
🌐 React Web App

Anime Recommender

An app where users can review anime, receive recommendations based on previous reviews, and edit their watchlist.

TypescriptReactNext.jstPRCTailwind CSSPrisma ORMClerk
Demon Slayer photo
React Native Mobile App

Chinese Radical Review

A mobile app designed to help Chinese language students learn radicals (building blocks of chinese characters) using spaced repetition

React NativeExpoTailwind CSS
App photo
⚛️ Simple React App

25+5 Timer

A timer with customizable parameters for work time and break time. Implemented in 3 ways: as a single page stateful REACT app, a stateful app divided into parent & child classes, and an app made of functional components using hooks.

Timer app photo
📊 Analyzing SQL Data

Investigating Decline in Yammer Users

Using focused SQL queries to gather relevant data and determine the source of user decline.

SQL photo
🤖 Machine Learning

Ecommerce Purchase Predictor

Uses CSV data to train a model that classifies users into two groups; users that will make a purchase and users that won't make a purchase.

PythonScikit Learn
E commerce photo
🤖 Machine Learning

Whisky Review Sentiment Classifier

Using NLTK libraries to classify whisky reviews as positive or negative based on customer sentiment.

PythonPandasNumpyScikit LearnMatplotlib
Whisky photo
🧠 Memory Management & OOP

C++ Customer Database

Linked-list implementation of a database that holds customer info. Uses recursion, pointers, operator overloading, debug mode, copy constructors, and makefiles. User can add, print, modify, and delete records within the database. The user can also reverse the list of records. The records within the list are written to a file upon exiting the application, and read from a file upon starting an application.

RAM disk photo
🎬 Educational Video Series

OOP Video Series w/ C++

An educational video series I made that provides examples of S.O.L.I.D. object oriented programming using C++

OOP Photo
☁️ Web Hosting

AWS S3 Hosted Blogsite

My blog page that I created and hosted on AWS S3 and Cloudfront

Blogsite Image